
podcast #5: Dough.

It's been called the root of all evil, but here at marathonpacks, it's the root of a kickass podcast. If you haven't listened to any of these things yet, dig this one. It's my first live remote, and I come to your ears from the headquarters of Marathonpacks Amalgamated, LLC, which contains not only the executive offices of this here blog, but also every bit of music I've ever written or thought about for sale at reduced prices. Michel Gondry is working on a film treatment about it, I'm told. I recorded this on a pretty hectic day, so my staff was too busy to run after the thief who tried to make off with some of my precious goods about halfway through the deal. Wu-Tang stopped by, as did Enon, ABBA and XTC. A special thanks to Raymond Scott for his esteemed production work with our sponsors. When you're in the neighborhood, be sure to stop by. For now, subscribe below for free!

marathonpacks podcast #5 (128k mp3, 67:32, 61.9 mb)


podcast #4: I Can't Think of a Title.

As you're reading this, I'm recooperating after the weekend-long Pitchfork Festival in Chicago. Tune in Tuesday for my whatever. As for this podcast, it has nothing to do with Pitchfork, save some smart-ass comments about me not knowing anything about what will happen (by the way, I'm typing this Thursday night). (Sunday night update: the song you'll hear here from Vetiver was actually played at Pitchfork today, with Cabic and Devendra Banhart). Volume Four here is my favorite so far---there's no over-arching theme (explains the title), which is how they'll probably be most of the time from here on out. And furthermore, it contains a Steely Dan song and a new Beck song. I'd like to thank The Flaming Lips, Beans (with Hamid Drake and William Parker), Ratatat, The Clogs, Nightmares on Wax and Lindstrom (in order) for providing the backing sounds for when I was yammering about. Enjoy the podcast, and subscribe to the feed below, because otherwise, as we all know, it's just a big fat mp3.

marathonpacks podcast #4 (128k mp3, 74:27, 68.2 mb)


podcast #3: 2003, Volume 2

Three weeks and counting. If I could remember to water my plants with this sort of regularity, they would be green and sumptuous instead of brown and crackly, and dead. Either way, this is the second half of the 2003 theme, and it's arguably better than the first one in terms of music included. I still sound like a moron, but that's to be expected. I'd like to thank Bent and their album Everlasting Blink (buy) for providing musical accompaniment as I bloviated. The second-to-last last order of business is that the first podcast is down for ever and ever because I'm not made of bandwidth here. The final order of business is as usual: to subscribe to the feed and get this thing with binary regularity, click on that big orange deal to the right. To just be lazy and download this one, see the parentheticals directly below.

marathonpacks podcast #3 (128k mp3, 69:12, 63.3mb)


Podcast #2: 2003

Well, I suppose I should be pleased with myself for making it two weeks in a row. The theme of this one is "2003," and should actually be subtitled "Volume 1." There were way too many songs to include here, and I don't like to make those kinds of tough decisions. So expect Volume 2 next Monday. Again, no tracklisting for this one, because I feel like it takes the fun out of it when you know what I'm going to play. You can download each one, but you really just want to click on the icon, because then you subscribe, and I've learned that that's what really makes this a podcast, is the feed thing.

marathonpacks podcast #2, (128k mp3 71:54, 65.9mb)


Podcast #1: Summer Songs

Well, I've gone and done it. Seventy minutes of me blathering on about songs that work well with summer, and some that remind me of past summers. I'm still working with the mastering phase (i.e. levels, transitions, edits, what I say), so give me a little bit of leeway there. Also, I'm not going to post the tracklisting here for a couple days, because I want you to sit in anxious anticipation of what I could possibly play next. I will, however, give the titles of the underscores for my blathering (because I forgot to mention them): the first one is Quincy Jones' version of "Summer in the City" (from 1973's out of print You've Got it Bad, Girl) and the second is Plone's "Summer Plays Out." (buy) I talk a lot, but that's kind of the point of these things, as far as I can tell. Also, at one point you can hear my dog Dexter chewing on a squeaky toy in the background. Tell me what you think, and the next one will be better, I promise.

marathonpacks Podcast #1: "Summer Songs" (70:31, 64.6 mb)